Credit options – part 2
Recap In part 1, we focused on the features of credit indices, on which the options are most commonly based. This second post covers the terminology associated with credit options. Terminology Credit options have adopted…
Recap In part 1, we focused on the features of credit indices, on which the options are most commonly based. This second post covers the terminology associated with credit options. Terminology Credit options have adopted…
Understanding Credit Default Swap Indices In this series of posts we will have a look at credit default options which reference CDS indices. However, to get there we need to make sure we understand the…
Moving the delivery date of a currency receivable The largest segment of the Foreign Exchange (FX) market is FX swaps. A useful resource to monitor developments is the triennial survey published by the Bank for…
The FX basis The question we seek to address in this blog is which interest rates should you use to calculate the forward rate? Different banks will use different rates which will reflect their credit…
Introduction In the first post we reviewed the theoretical methods used to calculate a forward FX rate. This was some background to the FX swap product Having established the theory lets look at how…
I always say that the three most difficult topics in finance to teach are index tranche investing (don’t ask), bond futures and FX swaps. There is a wonderful adage that comes from the UBS training…
Defintions A total rate of return swap is a fixed for floating swap in which cash flows are exchanged but the floating rate on one side is based on the total rate of rate of…
Definition An interest rate cap is an option structure whereby the buyer is protected against rates rising above a pre-agreed level – the option’s strike. A floor gives the buyer protection against rates falling below…
Introduction In some previous posts I had explained the concept of delta and gamma within an option trading context. One of the strategies we analyzed was a delta-hedged short call position. This position has characteristics…
This is the fourth post in a series looking at elements of option trading and option risk management. In the earlier posts (part 1, part 2, part 3) on this subject we defined gamma as…